Why Cold Water Submersion?


close your eyes. You're standing at the edge of a freezing cold body of water, contemplating whether to take the plunge. While your brain screams "No!", your inner scientist whispers, "Come on, you know it’s good for you” and once you are out, you feel super human and vow to do it every day forever.



But every day you find an excuse not to get into that water (speaking for a friend)…..well hopefully this list will help quieten that mind chat that tells you not to get in. For me, I have a mantra ‘I’m alive, so be alive, I’m alive so be alive’. And once I’m out the other side I feel SO alive.

  1. Instant Wake-Up Call: Forget about your morning coffee or tequila shot – a dip in cold water is the ultimate jolt to kickstart you awak. The shock to your system from the cold water stimulates your senses, increases your heart rate, and gets your blood flowing. It's like nature's espresso shot, without the caffeine crash.

  2. Supercharged Immunity: Who needs a fancy immune-boosting elixir when you can take a cool dip? Cold water activates your body's defense mechanisms, boosting your immune system and increasing the production of white blood cells. So, say goodbye to those seasonal sniffles and hello to a stronger immune system.

  3. Revitalized Circulation: The frigid water causes your blood vessels to constrict, which then leads to improved circulation. As a result, your body becomes more efficient at delivering oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and organs. You'll feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer the world.

  4. Mood Elevator Extraordinaire: Need a mood boost? Look no further than cold water submersion! The shock of the cold water triggers the release of endorphins, those delightful chemicals that make you feel happy and euphoric. So, if you're feeling a little blue, take a dip and let the water wash away your worries.

  5. Skin that Glows: Move over botox – cold water submersion is the key to a natural, radiant complexion! The cold water tightens your pores, reduces inflammation, and increases blood flow to your skin, leaving you with a healthy, glowing complexion that rivals any beauty treatment.

  6. Stress Buster Extraordinaire: In the midst of a hectic day or a chaotic week, a dip in cold water can be the ultimate stress reliever. The cold water triggers a relaxation response in your body, reducing levels of stress hormones and leaving you feeling calm, cool, and collected. Who knew a simple plunge could wash away your worries?

So, there you have it – the unexpected benefits of cold water submersion. While it might seem daunting at first, taking the plunge into icy waters can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience for your body and mind. From invigorating your senses to boosting your immunity and enhancing your mood, it's time to embrace the chill and dive into the icy depths of cold water submersion. Your body will thank you, and you might just discover a new adventurous side of yourself in the process!


  • Get warm first - go for a jog, leap in the local sauna, do some star jumps, I promise it’s easier if you’ve got your temperature up.

  • Do a Wim Hoff Course. Before I did his course there was 100% NO chance of me ever getting into cold water. Now there’s a lot of noise and fuss, but I still make it in.

  • BREATHE - Spending a minute doing parasympathetic inducing breathing before you go in can help you control the voice in your head screaming at you to get out

  • Accept it’s going to be cold - If you tell yourself to expect the cold, and then run through the above benefits in your head, it will be less of a shock.

  • Get a group together - EVERYTHING is better when you share it, problems, hikes, dancing, and cold water submersion. Accountability is everything.

  • Be regular with your dips. The more often you go, the easier it becomes.



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